🧠 Read our FLOATING 101 series to learn more about the history of floatation therapy and why it's one of the most profound ways to improve your life. 


🗓️ Appointment Cancellation Policy:

Guests and Members must give 12-hours notice for cancelling or rescheduling appointments to allow time for us to fill the vacancy. A fee of $25 will be charged for late-cancels or missed appointments.

  • Note: If you arrive 30+ minutes late to your appointment, we unfortunately consider this a no-show, and will be unable to accommodate your float (or sauna/plunge) at that time. Thank you for understanding!

If you need to cancel or change your appointment time, PLEASE email guide@floatseattle.com or call (206) 673-5132, or do so online here*.

*Self-cancellation only available for early cancelling


💬 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Floating involves lying in 10" of water, super-saturated w/1000 lbs of Epsom salt. You float effortlessly like a cork. Sensory input is reduced to a minimum - there’s no light, no sound, and the water is heated to skin temperature. Your body relaxes deeply & naturally from the Epsom salt and weightlessness. Combined with the lack of stimuli, the environment helps induce a meditative state.

  • Stress/Anxiety Reduction - Floating offers a unique environment that minimizes external sensory input to the brain. This leads to a significant reduction in cortisol levels, the body's main stress hormone, promoting a sense of calm and a chance for the nervous system to rest. The Epsom salt solution aids this by reducing muscle tension and relaxing the body.

    Chronic Pain Relief - The buoyancy provided by the Epsom salt solution allows the body to float effortlessly, reducing the effect of gravity and, in turn, relieving pressure from joints, muscles, and bones. The magnesium in the water can also help with muscle relaxation and reducing inflammation.

    Deepen Meditation - Floating is an ideal environment for meditation. It allows one to achieve deeper levels of meditation with ease due to the lack of external stimuli. It’s especially helpful for beginners who may struggle with traditional meditation practices.

    Improve Focus & Creativity - The distraction-free environment of a float tank can foster deep cognitive processing. By minimizing distractions, the brain can channel its resources towards creative thinking and problem-solving. This state can lead to increased imagination, original thought, and concentration, beneficial for artists, writers, and professionals alike.

    Better Sleep - The deep relaxation achieved while floating mirrors the brain's state during the early stages of sleep. This can help reset the body's sleep cycle, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Floating can also increase the production of sleep-promoting neurotransmitters like melatonin, enhancing overall sleep quality.

    Aid Athletic Recovery & Performance - Athletes use float tanks to expedite recovery after strenuous workouts. The anti-gravity environment helps alleviate muscle soreness and accelerates the removal of lactic acid from muscles. Additionally, the peaceful solitude allows athletes to mentally recover, reducing sports-related stress and anxiety.

    Balance Mood & Regulate Emotions - The calming effect of floating can have a significant impact on mental health, particularly for anyone dealing with anxiety and depression. The lack of stumuli helps lower stress hormone levels, while the deep relaxation can play a role in mood regulation, allowing for healthy emotional processing and contributing to a more balanced mental state.ext goes here

  • You don't need to bring much! Since floating is typically done in the nude, there's no requirement for a swimsuit. We've got you covered with all the essentials - earplugs, towels, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash are all provided. Plus, there's a hair dryer in our bathroom for your convenience. If you prefer to bring your own shower shoes and/or hair brush, feel free to do so.

    For your first visit, we recommend arriving 10 minutes early. This allows one of our guides to walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have, ensuring a smooth and relaxing experience.

  • It depends on the person and individual goals/intentions, but the simple answer is: the more you float, the more benefits you'll feel.

    The majority of our regular guests & members float between once/week and once/month for general stress/anxiety and wellness. Many people choose to float a lot in short bursts, due to a life event, injury, or creative project. Others, like those dealing with chronic pain or lifelong meditators, float nearly every day!

    Ultimately, it's a personal choice. Floating is a versatile tool. Our goal at Float Seattle is to help you discover how floating can uniquely improve your life. Our general recommendation is to commit to 3 float sessions in your first 3-4 weeks tp get a true sense of what it's all about. You'll get over the novelty of the first experience, and start to develop some soft skills for getting the most out of your sessions.

    Our memberships are designed to support this and help jumpstart a regular practice. We’ve found that those who float 3+ times in the first month tend to intuitively figure out how floating can benefit them, and from there, maintaining a 2-4+ float/month practice tends to yield the best results.

  • Many first-time floaters share this concern, and it's completely understandable. However, many find that the sensation of floating is so liberating and soothing that any initial worries about tight spaces quickly dissipate. Instead of feeling like you're in a smaller space, the float experience is quite expansive!

    If you do feel uncomfortable, remember that you are in control:

    Exit Anytime: You can open the tank door and exit at any moment, no questions asked.

    Customize Your Experience: While we encourage full darkness and quietude, feel free to float with the light on, or listen to music if it helps you relax. You can also slightly crack the tank lid to let more air in, though this might reduce the warmth inside the tank. Ask our staff for tips!

    Music During Your Float: If you prefer to float with music, our Greenwood, South Lake Union, and Bellevue locations are best equipped for this. We can accommodate at Greenlake too, but it's not ideal. Just bring your own 60-minute playlist, or ask for one of ur pre-loaded ambient tracks.

    Floating can be a powerful tool to help overcome claustrophobia. It's inherently relaxing, and you have complete control over your environment. There's no wrong way to float, and we're here to ensure you have a comfortable and positive experience.

  • At Float Seattle, we adhere to the highest standards set by the Washington State and King County Health Department to ensure exceptional water cleanliness in our float tanks. Here’s how we maintain our rigorous sanitation process:

    Epsom Salt Density: The density of Epsom salt in our float tanks is so high that it naturally inhibits the survival of bacteria and other contaminants, similar to the conditions of the Dead Sea.

    Advanced Filtration System: Our float solution is cycled through an advanced filtration process four times between each float session. We utilize one-micron filters, capable of filtering particles 100 times smaller than a human hair!

    Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP): As the water circulates, it’s treated with a combination of UV light, Ozone, and Hydrogen Peroxide. This treatment triggers the Advanced Oxidation Process, quickly and effectively breaking down any bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

    Continuous Monitoring: We constantly test and monitor the water quality in our tanks to ensure it remains perfectly clean and safe for your floating experience.

    Water sanitation is of utmost importance to us. This multi-layered approach allows us to maintain a pristine environment, so you can focus solely on relaxing and enjoying your float.

  • Yes, there are a few simple steps you can take to enhance your floating experience:

    Booking: Especially when starting out, choose a time that’s conducive to relaxing. Have some buffer time so you’re not rushing to or from anywhere.

    Avoid Caffeine: It's best to refrain from consuming caffeine a few hours before your float. Caffeine is a stimulant and can make you feel jittery, which might affect the tranquility of your session.

    Shaving or Waxing: Try to avoid shaving or waxing right before your float. The high salt concentration in the water can cause irritation to freshly shaved or waxed skin.

    Eating Habits: Eating a light meal about 90 minutes before your float is recommended. This helps avoid the distraction of a rumbling stomach, ensuring a more comfortable and relaxing experience.

    By following these simple guidelines, you can make your float session more enjoyable and relaxing.

  • Sensory Deprivation Tanks, also known as float tanks, were first created by Dr. John C. Lilly in the late 1950s. Since their inception, there have been significant advancements in their design and technology. The practice of floating became widely popular among athletes, meditators, and creatives starting in the 1960s and has continued to grow in popularity.

    Additional Info:

    Purpose of Invention: Dr. Lilly originally developed these tanks to study the effects of sensory deprivation on the human mind and consciousness.

    Evolution: Over the years, the tanks have evolved from basic setups to more sophisticated, user-friendly designs, often featuring customizable lighting, music, and temperature controls.

    Health Benefits: Beyond relaxation and meditation, floating has been linked to various health benefits, such as improved sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, and relief from physical pain, particularly in muscles and joints.

    Clinical Research: Modern research continues to explore the psychological and physiological effects of floating, making it an area of growing interest in fields like neuroscience and mental health.

    This unique form of therapy has a rich history and continues to be an area of fascinating discoveries and applications.

  • It's very likely. Many of our clients experience significant relief from pain, stress, and anxiety through floatation therapy. The effectiveness of floating in treating various conditions like chronic stress, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, multiple sclerosis (MS), anxiety, severe back pain, and insomnia is increasingly supported by a growing body of clinical research.

    For the most current information on clinical studies and the benefits of floatation therapy, we encourage you to explore clincalfloat.org. This resource will provide you with up-to-date findings and insights into how floating can positively impact your health and well-being.

  • In most cases, yes, but it depends. Here are a few guidelines to ensure both your hair color and our float tanks stay in perfect condition:

    Bleached or Lightened Hair: If your hair has been bleached or lightened, there's no concern about reversing the effect. Our tanks don't use chlorine, so there's no risk of your highlights turning green.

    Darker, Natural Color Treatments:

    **Please wait at least two weeks after dyeing your hair. The key is to ensure the color no longer runs in the shower or leaves marks on towels.**

    The magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) in our tanks might affect freshly colored hair. For fashion colors (like bright reds, pinks, blues, greens), it's crucial to confirm that there’s absolutely no color bleeding before booking your session, as these can stain our float tank basin and water, as well as ruin fresh towels. This waiting period can sometimes extend up to 30 days. We appreciate your patience!

    Keratin Hair Treatments: If you've had a Keratin smoothing treatment, hair care professionals generally advise against exposure to salt water, including Epsom Salt.

    By following these guidelines, you can enjoy your float without any worries about your hair color.

  • We are often fully booked on the day itself, particularly during weekends. To secure a spot, we recommend booking in advance either by calling us or using our online booking portal. Please note that if you check availability but don't book immediately, we cannot guarantee a slot for a walk-in, as our schedule frequently changes.

  • We opened Float Seattle in November 2012 in Greenlake. Our Bellevue studio opened in July 2015, Greenwood in July 2019, and South Lake Union in October 2021.

  • If you tend to get motion sickness, you may want to take some over-the-counter medication prior to your float (i.e. non-drowsy Bonine or Dramamine). Alternatively, some guests find it helpful to float with the pod or tank light on throughout their session. In case you start feeling unwell, it's best to end your session early. We also invite you to relax with some tea on the couch afterwards if needed.

  • Yes, you can! Just come prepared as you would for swimming in a public pool. We suggest using a tampon, menstrual cup, or disc, depending on your preference. For your convenience, we provide organic cotton tampons in our bathrooms, just in case you forget or need one unexpectedly.

  • While it's relatively rare, some individuals may experience vaginal irritation during a float. It's nothing to be embarrassed about! The water in our pods contains a high concentration of Epsom salt, which can lead to irritation in sensitive areas for some individuals. This might be more pronounced for peri- or post-menopausal women due to increased sensitivity and dryness. Additionally, micro-fissures from recent sexual activity, certain types of contraception, the onset of a menstrual cycle, or the early stages of a urinary tract or yeast infection could also contribute to this sensation.

    Sometimes, the irritation is brief, akin to the sting of small cuts on the skin. However, if the discomfort persists or makes you feel uneasy, we encourage you to listen to your body and exit the tank. Our team is here to support you and will happily help you reschedule your float session at no extra charge.

    To prevent or alleviate irritation, we provide petroleum jelly that you can apply to sensitive areas before your float. This protective barrier is often effective in reducing or eliminating discomfort. If needed, you can also take a break mid-float to reapply.

    Your comfort is our priority. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our staff for assistance or with any concerns.

  • Floating is not only safe but also highly beneficial for pregnant women. The weightlessness and stress relief provided by a float session, along with the anti-inflammatory properties of Epsom salt, can significantly ease the strain on your body during pregnancy. Moreover, the tranquil and stimulus-free environment offers a unique opportunity to connect more intimately with your baby. However, we always recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before booking a session, just to be on the safe side.

  • We welcome individuals of all sizes and have successfully accommodated guests up to 325 lbs, including NFL linemen. Keep in mind, the saltwater solution in our tanks is 10 inches deep, a depth that remains constant for various essential reasons. While there isn’t a strict weight limit, comfort within the tank can vary based on individual size and shape. We prioritize the safety and comfort of all our guests and encourage anyone with concerns to reach out. Our team is more than happy to discuss how we can tailor your float experience to ensure maximum comfort and relaxation.

  • While floating offers numerous benefits, there are certain conditions and situations where it may not be recommended:

    **Open Wounds or Skin Conditions**: The high salt content in the water can cause discomfort and irritation

    **New Tattoos**: We advise waiting until your tattoo has fully healed, which typically takes at least 4-6 weeks. This is to prevent irritation from the highly saline water and to protect the quality of your tattoo artwork.

    *Epilepsy or Seizure Disorders*: Unless well-controlled and with the approval of a healthcare provider, due to the risk of seizures without immediate help. **Severe Heart Conditions:** Individuals with unstable heart conditions should consult with their healthcare provider..

    **Kidney Disease:** The absorption of magnesium from the Epsom salt may be an issue for individuals with kidney disease - consult with your doctor.

    **Severe Mental Health Conditions**: Consult with a healthcare provider to discuss if floating is appropriate for you.

    For any health concerns or conditions not listed, please consult with your healthcare provider before booking a float session. Otherwise, our team is ready to answer any questions to the best of our ability and help ensure your floating experience is safe and enjoyable.

  • Yes, we welcome floaters of all ages! In fact, our youngest floater was 8 years old a few years back!

    *For those under 18*: A parent or guardian must oversee the waiver signing process.

    *For children 16 or under*: We require the parent or guardian to stay in the studio during the float session.

    *For children 12 or under*: A parent or guardian should be in the room with the child during their float.

    It's important to note that while floating is beneficial for children, many may find it challenging to stay still for an hour. Movement can increase the risk of getting salt in their eyes, among other things. We're always here to provide tips and guidance, and we recognize that every child is unique in their ability to enjoy and benefit from a float session.

  • Unfortunately, all of our float tanks are designed for single occupancy. While we cannot accommodate two guests in the same tank we can schedule two guests for the same appointment time in separate rooms. Most often these rooms will be right next door to each other or just across the hallway depending on the studio. Floating is ultimately an introspective experience and a chance to go inward. Many of our guests find joy in enjoying their own floats and then sharing their experience with a loved one over tea afterwards.

  • Across our various locations, we offer four styles of float tanks: Traditional, Pod, Orb, and Cabin. While each type has its own unique aesthetic and are slightly different shapes and sizes, the concept and essential floating experience is consistently the same - 10" of water, 1000 lbs of salt & a sensory-reduced environment. Visit the “Locations” dropdown on our website’s main navigation for more info.

  • Awesome to hear that you're interested in delving deeper into floating! Each session offers a unique opportunity to enhance and deepen your experience. As you float more, the mental and physical benefits tend to accumulate. Our best advice? Continue floating and fully embrace the journey.

    To make floating a regular part of your routine, check out our [flexible membership options][0] that make it more affordable. For additional tips and information, our website is a great resource. Or better yet, have a chat with one of our senior float guides during your next visit to the studio. We're all passionate about floating and have accumulated a wealth of knowledge on everything related to it. We'd love to hear about your experiences and share insights to help you get the most out of your floating sessions.

    **Recommended Books**: The Book of Floating (comprehensive exploration to partner with a budding float practice), Floating in Quiet Darkness (memoir from early days of floating by Samadhi founders Glenn & Lee Perry), Floating Tao (philosophy/inspiration)

  • Absolutely, and we appreciate you asking! For the benefit of all our guests, we have a few important rules outlined in our waivers:

    **Bodily Fluids**: Please help maintain the cleanliness of our tanks. Refrain from floating if you have incontinence, and avoid introducing any bodily fluids (such as spitting, mucus, etc.) into the tanks. Non-compliance may result in a cleaning and salt replenishment fee of up to $1,000.

    **Intoxication**: For your safety and the safety of others, you may not use our services if under the influence of drugs or alcohol, as your ability to safely navigate the tank is impaired and may increase the risk of adverse reactions.

    **Contagious Illnesses:** If you're ill and potentially contagious, we kindly ask you to stay home. Notify us, and we will cancel or reschedule your float session without any fee. Your health and the health of others is our top priority.

Refund Policy

We offer refunds on purchases within 90 days of the original transaction date. This policy applies to all our services and products, except for partially-used packages, promotional, or discounted items, which are non-refundable.

We understand that sometimes plans change. If you're unable to use your purchased float sessions within this period, don't worry – your credits never expire! They remain available for your use at any time.

Alternative Options: If you find that you are unable to use your purchased sessions, we offer the flexibility to convert these credits into gift cards. You can gift these cards to friends or family, allowing them to experience the benefits of floating.