Making YOU More Awesome, One Float at a Time

Modern life often leaves us overstimulated, overstressed, and disconnected from our best selves. We believe floating is the antidote.

Imagine a life with reduced stress and anxiety, where the deep benefits of meditation are accessible without years of practice, and where chronic pain is alleviated without expensive treatments.

Floating isn't just an experience; it's a transformational practice. An hour suspended in quiet darkness can profoundly rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. Make it a regular part of your routine and witness the positive changes unfold in your life. We've experienced it ourselves and see its impact on our guests and members every day.

We've poured a lot of love and care into our studios to create a sanctuary where you can relax, heal, and grow. All you need to do is show up.

We’re here to lift you up.


At the helm is Andrew, who first discovered float therapy in 2013 at our original GreenLake location. It was "love at first float" for him, and soon after, he transitioned from a regular floater to joining and becoming an integral part of the team.

His journey with Float Seattle saw him move from staff member to GM to acquiring the business from the founders in 2018 as a new co-owner alongside Dean - a fellow float enthusiast and former member himself. Together, they've expanded Float Seattle from two to five locations, growing our team from 7 to 25 dedicated staff members in the process.

Under their leadership, we've navigated the challenges of a global pandemic and maintained our commitment to making float therapy accessible to everyone. Floating has not only enriched our lives but also those of our community, fostering resilience and well-being.

As we continue to grow, we are excited to share the transformative benefits of floating with you. What changes might floating bring into your life?



Andrew is PNW born-and-raised and an explorer at heart. Over the last decade, he has developed practices around float tanks, spiritual herbalism, meditation, and yoga, to help turn depression and self-doubt into meaning and purpose. Andrew sees floating in particular as the most accessible tool in the modern world to tap into our true potential - no prerequisites required to experience the benefits. It does this by helping to reliably de-stress, reduce pain, and reveal an illusive stillness and tranquility within ourselves. From this point of reset, anything is possible.

Andrew’s mission is to provide space for relaxation, healing, and growth for anyone seeking wellness on their own terms. He has facilitated thousands upon thousands of float sessions, and finds joy in connecting with guests daily. Running these float studios is his way of helping people reduce the suffering in their lives and wake up to their own gifts. He is here to serve, and be your humble guide...



Dean has done a little bit of everything. He’s a former chef, student of trans-personal psychology and comparative mythology, professional DJ, local business professional with over twenty years of experience at various non-profit, private, and public sector companies. Having managed lifelong anxiety and depression arising from PTSD Dean originally started floating as a way to deal with overwhelming workplace stress. He quickly came to the conclusion that Flotation Therapy is “basically good for everything” and it has become the “center around which all my wellness practices revolve”. In his downtime he enjoys playing board games, pushing watercolors into paper, cooking elaborate meals, reading anything he can get his hands on, getting out into the wild, and loving on his dogs.



Kara has spent much of her adult life in service of others. Float tanks have allowed her to harmonize her efforts without sacrificing her own needs. Soon after being introduced to floating, it became an essential life tool. Kara found that she could use her time in the tank to ease anxiety and also explore her own inner curiosity and playfulness. Her float practice continues to evolve, and has been instrumental in helping her find a new sense of purpose, balance, and self-love. She finds joy in the details of keeping our studios sparkling clean and cozy so our guests feel right at home. When she’s not facilitating floats, Kara loves spending time on the yoga mat, cooking, drinking tea with friends, and staying in touch with the silly-side of life.



Ashley is a naturopathic physician, biofeedback practitioner, and certified yoga instructor.  Originally from Florida, she has always had a love of water (and salt), spending her childhood on the sunny beaches in her home state. She began floating as a way to relax both body and mind during her medical residency. Floating has helped her find a renewed sense of peace, increased focus and creativity, and has been an extremely useful tool in recovering from old sports injuries acquired from years as an athlete. Ashley believes that floating provides a blank space for exploration - whether that is reconnecting with ourselves and our goals, sparking inspiration, or just taking a break from it all. Ashley's mission is to help others find their way towards health through lifestyle, mindfulness practices, and integrative approaches to well-being. 



Brandon is a trained Clinical Herbalist specializing in herbal medicine for mental well-being and has a degree in transpersonal psychology and consciousness studies. He has been fascinated with isolation tanks and the science of the mind ever since his first time watching Ken Russell's film, Altered States, way back in the 5th grade. He brings his insight into the nature of the Mind to his practice of floating and enjoys facilitating this profound experience for all the guests of Float Seattle.



Jordan M. recently joined our team and is a newbie to floating! With fresh eyes and a growing practice Jordan’s journey is one that other newcomers can relate to. On his off time he enjoys being outside in nature, trying new restaurants with friends and waking up at crazy hours of the night for sneaker drops! Jordan has also dabbled in communications and graphic design and wants to one day open a business of his own! Coming from the service industry, floating has allowed Jordan to indulge in the slower side of life. He’s learned to slow down and uses floating to reset, rest and take care of his body. Next time you’re in give Jordan a wave! And if you need a good restaurant recommendation or the scoop on a pair of sneakers, Jordan’s your guy!



Wesley loves variety, whether it’s taking wildly different classes as a part time student or working multiple jobs on his quarters off of school. His first float was in 2019 and right away he knew he needed to make it a part of his life and insists all of his closest friends give it try. He is set to finish his major in music education by 2023, with an emphasis in French horn and vocal performance. Most recently he’s been getting his kicks from small engine repair, and you can catch him wheeling through the city on his Honda Cub.



Jordan S. is a driven and ambitious person with a passion for learning and self-improvement. Born and raised in Washington, he has always been drawn to the fields of philosophy, psychology, economics, and computer engineering, and has dedicated himself to gaining a deep understanding of these subjects. Despite facing challenges such as anxiety, Jordan has persevered and found solace in practices such as floatation therapy, which have allowed him to overcome these obstacles and pursue his dreams with determination and grace. Above all, he is a kind and friendly individual who values helping others and making a positive impact in the world.



Taylor is a recent graduate with a degree in Psychology and Human development & family sciences, our social media content creator, an avid traveler who is always looking for her next getaway and a newbie to floating! She found floating through a friend and had her first float in 2022, where she immediately fell in love with the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits floating offers. She's adopted the tank as a safe space for her to unwind, decompress and recenter, and has found it to be a great tool in managing her anxiety. When she's not in a tank or serving others at work Taylor enjoys being out in nature, cuddling with her puppy, journaling, being creative and stretching out on a yoga mat.



Maggie became interested in the mind-body connection after struggling with chronic pain and anxiety for much of her life. She read many self-help books and had tried almost everything the doctors threw at her without much relief. That is, until one chilly January evening in 2018, she found Float Seattle and everything changed. Maggie was hooked from her first float and formed a semi-regular float practice. Upon being hired in 2021, she dug even deeper and discovered her interest in grief and death work. Maggie became curious about how the body stores and remembers events and emotions and how to safely and compassionately release them.

When she’s not looking for the next body of water to hop into (yes, float tanks count) she might be working on her yoga practice, journaling, have her nose stuck in a book, or looking to chat up and connect with the next stranger she meets. If you see Maggie in one of our studios or out on a hike, don’t be too shy to say hi! She may be a rough, tough Clough, but since she’s not from Seattle, she won’t freeze ya out : P #gosox



Abby is a Tik Tok chef, music enthusiast, and an adventurist! She joined our team back in ‘22 and is now our Bellevue studio coordinator and one of our content creators! She began floating to help manage stress and anxiety and believes it is the perfect way to reset and recharge after a stressful week. She enjoys meeting new people, taking care of others, and loves keeping the studios squeaky clean for our guests. When she’s not at Float, you can find her scrolling on Tik Tok searching for new recipes, jamming to music, snuggling with her kitties, and finding new places to hike with her family. Next time you see her, ask her if she’s cooked anything new lately or if she has any music recommendations. She loves updating her playlist so please recommend some right back!



Brian is a student of philosophy with a focus on political philosophy, ethics, and Ancient Greek/Roman philosophy in order to answer the question: “What is the good life?” No stranger to introspection, Brian was eager to try floating as soon as he heard of it in 2018 and soon discovered the enormous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits floating can provide. He also aspires to become a larger human through proper diet/nutrition and picking up heavy objects. On his days off he enjoys hitting the trails or being bludgeoned in a mosh pit.



Andrew Ginn is a Northwest native, drummer, connector, and professional solution-seeker. With over 10 years in the music/entertainment industry, he has just about seen and done it all. From recording intimate performances of young and veteran bands for 107.7 The End, to producing major music festivals and other high-profile events, Andrew has immersed his life in Seattle's music community. Andrew enjoys being behind the scenes making magic happen. No stranger to floating, he has been getting salty with us since the doors open in 2012. Time in the tank, and now love for IR saunas, have been valuable tools for recovery and staying centered amidst the chaos of major event productions. Over the last couple of years he has explored and continues to refine his role as a space-holder for others. He applies these skills throughout all the various roles he plays in life. His goal in life is to inspire others to be the best versions of themselves by evoking joy and curiosity for life. He is excited to share his lifetime of experiences and perspective with a place that continues to enrich his life every day. And if you have the time, he may suck you into a fun story or two.



Royce is an artist and float enthusiast. When he is not getting beat up by his 6 year old with a lightsaber, or ignored by a teenager on their phone, you may find him being a dedicated non practicing Taoist/Zen student. If you like to discuss art/film/music for many hours, Royce will be there for you, all the while struggling to be present.