Posts in Stress Relief
Floating for PTSD Relief: A Path to Healing

June is PTSD Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and promoting effective treatment options for those affected. PTSD can impact anyone who has experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, and its effects can be deeply challenging. This month, we’d like to share an introduction to how floatation therapy can serve as a powerful tool in managing and alleviating PTSD symptoms, providing much-needed relief and support for those on their healing journey.

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Elevating Your Aspirations with Floatation

We all have goals we want to achieve, whether it’s pushing our physical limits, developing new skills, advancing in our careers, or establishing healthier lifestyle habits. No matter how dedicated you are, the pursuit of these personal and professional objectives can sometimes feel like an uphill climb.

Finding the right support and tools is crucial for turning these aspirations into reality. At our float center, we've observed how floatation therapy not only complements but also enhances these endeavors, offering a unique space for physical rest and mental clarity that's essential for achieving whatever diverse goals you might have set your sights on…

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Buoyant Benefits - Mental and Physical Recovery in Athletics

When we think of sports athletes, we often think of their success in terms of physical ability, performance under pressure, and in-game strategy. However, much of the brilliance and outstanding success we see from top athletes is built on the less flashy foundation of practice, conditioning, diet, and recovery. Based on our article from last month about Dr. Matt Driller’s work around floating and sports, we’d like to look at some other research being done by Dr. Lydia Caldwell out of Ohio State University (now at the University of North Texas).

Float tanks have become increasingly popular in recent years, with professional athletes and weekend warriors using them as a tool for mental and physical recovery. Dr. Caldwell has worked with float tanks for years and presented at the 2017 and 2021 Float conferences. She has worked with special forces military and top-performing athletes to increase their performance and has incorporated float tanks into her research and protocols for both.

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Breathing Easy - A Look at Floating and Blood Oxygen Levels

mmediately after her first float, Jeanine was already at a new level of relaxation. She says it was an “oh my gosh” moment for her, and recounted how all of her muscles were, “just so relaxed,” even after that single session. Over the following weeks and months, she became aware of another benefit that was even more profound – a rise in her blood oxygen levels, something she had been tracking regularly using an O2 ring.

Normal blood oxygen levels are around 95%, and before finding floating, Jeanine was seeing huge dips in her overnight blood oxygen levels, reaching as low as 77%.

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Floating and Yoga: An Enlightening Combination

The idea of yoga in the west often begins and ends with pictures of various movements you do in a cramped studio surrounded by other sweaty people. In reality, this is but one sliver of what yoga truly is. Rather than a physical workout that you do, yoga is more of a way of life that you pursue. It is an internal practice involving the mind and body, working towards alignment.

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Floating: The Perfect Travel Companion

The feeling of getting off a long plane ride, worn out from the traveling you’ve already done, can sometimes stifle the excitement for the trip ahead. For especially long or arduous journeys, entire days can be lost or wasted trying to deal with jet lag and catch up on sleep. The drowsiness and exhaustion can certainly impact how you engage with new environments, and it can lead to seeing the world as duller and less interesting.

It can feel like you need a reset, much like when a computer gets overworked – simply rebooting it can fix a lot of problems, and the same is true for us. Starting your travels with a float can be just the reset you need, and it can help in a big way with alleviating symptoms of jet lag. It also enhances your senses, letting you take in your new surroundings in a fresh and exciting way.

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The Secret to Record-Breaking may be in the Float Tank

Stephen Curry carries the record for most 3-point field goals made (3PM) in the NBA and attributes much of his success to his practice in float therapy. Along with elaborate dribbling drills, Curry is not afraid to experiment with innovative training technologies. In 2015, the Warrior’s new head of physical performance and sports science, Lachlan Penfold, suggested the implementation of floatation therapy for preparation, performance, and injury management…

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Improve Thyself: Betterment by Buoyancy

Many people float to find their baseline - whether that be for general relaxation, "me" time (away from kids, partners, work, friends and family), basic physical recovery, or even just paying off some sleep debt. For others, though, floating as a practice has more of a pointed goal to it – something specific that you’re looking to achieve, whether it be physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual. Since one of the most fascinating things about floating is how versatile it can be, and how it appeals to people in so many different walks of life, we wanted to run through some different ways floating is used for self-improvement.

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