Posts in Pain Relief
Managing Chronic Pain with Floatation Therapy

For many people, pain is a temporary and easily managed inconvenience – a stubbed toe, a headache, or a sore muscle after a workout. It’s something that disrupts life for a few hours or days, but rarely has any long term impact on our lives. These encounters with pain, however, are a far cry from the persistent, often debilitating reality faced by millions who live with chronic pain. 

Chronic pain isn't just a prolonged version of more fleeting acute pain – it's a complex, often misunderstood condition that can persist for months or even years, profoundly affecting daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. Traditional treatments for chronic pain, such as medication and physical therapy, are essential, but complementary therapies like floatation therapy can also play a significant role in managing and alleviating pain.

Chronic pain can stem from a wide variety of conditions, including arthritis, fibromyalgia, and back problems. It often involves a complex interplay of physical and psychological factors, making it challenging to treat effectively. The constant feelings of pain and discomfort can lead to a vicious cycle of decreased activity, increased stress, and poor sleep, all of which can exacerbate the condition. 

How Floatation Therapy Can Help…

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Floating and Concussions

The search for pain relief can drive people in many unexpected, and sometimes downright odd, directions – float tanks among them. With the high concentration of Epsom salt, the tank can fully support the body without any areas of pressure on your back. This alone has been shown to help with inflammation reduction, faster recovery times, and general pain management, which helps explain why many big-name athletes and sports teams (like Steph Curry, Tom Brady, the Seahawks, the Dodgers, the Cubs, and many more) incorporate floating into their recovery programs.

Beyond physical recovery, floating has also been shown to have many positive mental effects, such as reducing anxiety and depression, while increasing energy levels and serenity. These particular benefits have been backed by scientific research, but since floating is still a largely under-researched field, many of the stories that claim benefits from floating haven’t been explored through official studies. There are, however, some benefits that are being explored through smaller scale research programs and case studies that, while not official, show promise and can help lead to new findings and larger scale studies in the future.

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Improve Thyself: Betterment by Buoyancy

Many people float to find their baseline - whether that be for general relaxation, "me" time (away from kids, partners, work, friends and family), basic physical recovery, or even just paying off some sleep debt. For others, though, floating as a practice has more of a pointed goal to it – something specific that you’re looking to achieve, whether it be physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual. Since one of the most fascinating things about floating is how versatile it can be, and how it appeals to people in so many different walks of life, we wanted to run through some different ways floating is used for self-improvement.

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What do High Level Athletes Know About Floating that you Don't

What do the Dallas Cowboys, Golden State Warriors, Chicago Cubs, Manchester United Football Club, and Michael Phelps all have in common?

You might see this lineup and think “well, the ‘92 Dallas Cowboys won the Superbowl that year, the Golden State Warriors won the NBA Finals in ‘14, the Cubs made history when they won the 2016 World Series, Manchester United is one of the most hono(u)red Football Clubs in the world, and Michael Phelps has won more gold medals than any other Olympian in history! They’re all winners!”

But that’s not all they have in common: they also all used float tanks.

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How Floating Aids Recovery

From world-class athletes looking for a competitive edge, to everyday workaholics looking for better ways to manage the physical stresses of daily life, one of the primary reasons that people float on a regular basis is to tap into the body’s natural ability to recover.  By helping you reach an unparalleled level of relaxation, or homeostasis, a float tank allows your body to divert resources that are normally reserved for dealing with the external world to the process of healing instead.

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Recovery, Pain ReliefAndrew Loppnow